Hi friends,
The seminars shall be held as per the previously intimated schedule for 4 weeks. Each week shall have its pair of group leaders, whose names are listed below. Topics must be registered with the group leader of that specific week and confirmed by sending a mail to compilers_nitw mailing list. Topics are registered for the sole purpose of informing others, so that 2 people do not end up presenting the same topic. In any case, the group leader must be informed of the topic to be presented before the session and the group leader is expected to create a list of topics for the current session and forward the same to Sanjeevi sir. The group leaders will also take care of calling Sanjeevi sir during the presentations, duly opening and closing the seminar hall and timing the presentations.
Each presentation shall continue for 13 minutes, after which 2 minutes are for audience questions. The audience is not awarded marks for raising questions.
Finally I arrive at what can only be described as bad news: attendance is compulsary.
For further clarifications, you may call Sanjeevi sir at +91 98497 76330.
Wish you all the best
Arijit Sengupta
The group leaders are:
Week 1:
Arpit Mittal
Arijit Sengupta
Week 2:
Subrahmanyam K.
D. Lakshmi Kumar
Week 3:
Pratyush Kanth
Ankur Singh
Week 4:
Sreeram G.
Each group leader is expected to be present without fail on all days of that week.
I also use this space to 'register' my topic:
Webpage ranking - Page Rank - and all related stuff - yet to finalise etc...
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