So finally a tentative schedule has been proposed like this:
- Monday ( 26th): Boys --- in white shirts/ T-Shirts (preferably full white with no tinge of other colours....u can very well manage a campus placement shirt) and blue jeans. Girls --- whatever they feel like.
- Tuesday (27th): Boys --- In black shirts/ T-Shirts (as much black shades as any case the TZ T-Shirt is always there). Girls --- They were interested to wear burkha on some day. So black burkha might look good with black dresses. Final decision left to their discretion.
- Wednesday (28th): Boys & Girls --- In caps. Suggestions regarding the dresses are invited. Those who have goggles/sunscreens can come wearing the same (anyway it's summer & scorching these days !! ). Any more ideas for this day? Something interesting/
unique/innovativ e you can think of? - Thursday (29th): Boys --- Informal day. 3/4s, quarters, 6 pockets, torn jeans ;), whatever....
...once again with an optimum level of decency so that we are not send back :-). Girls --- Whatever they feel like. - Friday (30th): Suggestions invited. Maybe one more colour day like green or yellow.....somethin
g like that......plz suggest. - Monday (2nd): Suggestions invited....some suggestions were there for a taxi day....upar yellow niche black aisa kuchh......lolz.
....plz send me sugggestions. - Tuesday (3rd): Boys --- Traditional.
....this might vary from state to state.....ppl from each state come with their own traditional dresses like kurta/dhoti, kurta/payjama, lungi etc. etc......we have a nice break from 9 to 10 when we can take a large no. of pix :-) Girls --- what you call half-sarees or something like that....ghagra, chunni whatever - Wednesday (4th): Boys --- Formals.....
magine yourself appearing before an interview panel and dress accordingly. Needless to mention about shoes (plz arrange for shoes), ties and all. Girls: Sarees ( or sud I say full sarees :D ? I still don't get this half/full funda....anyways. ...hardly matters :D ) - Thursday (5th): Beggars Day --- Dresses will be discussed in class. Ye prof log 4 saal se jo tang kar rahe hai uska badla !!.....grhhhhhh.
....we'll plan something nice in class for that!
Also, those who have cams plz bring them to class and kindly send me the photos of red n blue days, if any. (Some people have taken photos using their cams or cell phones as well like pratyush sirasani, pradeep kumar singh(cell) etc.)
Tamal Kanti Bhattacharya
Final Yr., B.Tech.
Dept. of CSE
NIT Warangal
Cell: +91 94403 46042

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